Community Guidelines

 Be respectful of all users. This means treating everyone with kindness and courtesy, regardless of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic. It also means avoiding making personal attacks or using offensive language.

 Do not post spam or irrelevant content. This includes posting duplicate job listings, as well as links to other websites or social media pages that are not relevant to the job search process. It also includes posting content that is unrelated to the job search process, such as political or religious discussions.

 Do not post false or misleading information. This includes posting fake job listings or reviews. This can mislead job seekers and employers, and it is not fair to anyone involved.

 Report any violations of these guidelines to the Jobox Hire team. If you see someone violating these guidelines, please report it to the Jobox Hire team. You can do this by clicking on the "Report" button below the offending content.

Here are some examples of specific behaviors that are not allowed on Jobox Hire:

 Posting discriminatory or harassing content, such as content that is racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive.

 Posting spam or irrelevant content, such as job listings that are not relevant to the user's location or industry.

 Posting confidential or sensitive information, such as job applicant resumes or employee contact information.

 Posting false or misleading information, such as fake job listings or reviews.  Harassing or threatening other users, such as sending them unwanted messages or making threats of violence.  Soliciting or accepting payment for job listings or services, such as charging a fee to post a job listing or to view job listings.

 Harassing or threatening other users, such as sending them unwanted messages or making threats of violence.

 Soliciting or accepting payment for job listings or services, such as charging a fee to post a job listing or to view job listings.

By following these guidelines, you can help to create a positive and productive community on Jobox Hire. We want everyone to feel safe and welcome on our platform, and we appreciate your help in keeping it that way.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when using Jobox Hire:

 Be aware of your language and behavior. Remember that what you say and do can have a real impact on others. Page 2 of 3

 Be mindful of your privacy. Do not share personal information that you do not want to be public.

 Be professional. When interacting with other users, always be respectful and courteous.

 Be patient. It may take some time to find the right job or candidate.